


When you master communication, storytelling, and public speaking, they are force multipliers in the success of your career and your life. Why? This triad determines how you engage and impact, inspire and influence. It shapes your dreams and legacy. It defines how you are seen and see yourself.

It is life changing because we don’t just speak about it, we walk through it together. This dynamic, interactive keynote will provide you with immediate actionable take-aways that can change your own life. It has been for thousands worldwide, because The audience experiences it.

During this keynote, Ankha Marza will work directly with an individual to master her power of presence – complete with a live analysis, recommendations and practice. You as part of the audience will participate and learn throughout the session. The transformations are always powerful, inspiring, empowering.

Attend this keynote to:

  • Understand and experience the fundamentals of public speaking, communication and storytelling. There is an art and a science to this, and Ankha will walk you through it so it’s not just conceptual but somatic/experiential learning.
  • Break through any anxiety and fear you may have and own your presence. Gain the confidence to fully step into who you are to achieve more of your goals and dreams. This can be an excellent way to combat your “imposter syndrome” if you have it.
  • Connect, engage, influence and inspire—whether you are speaking in-person or on camera, on stage or on screen, one-on-one, with small or large audiences.
  • Learn how to use storytelling, body language and voice tone to engage, influence and inspire.
  • Better understand how to best craft your messaging and structure any speech/pitch/presentation.
  • Harness the formidable power of breath, inner and outer space, and dynamic listening

Lastly you will learn how to decode the “Four Languages of Human Connection” so you understand how everyone is wired (including you) in order to know how to speak their language, be heard, build trust. So buckle up and be ready to learn how to master the power of your presence!


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    Ankha Marza

    CEO & Coach

    Ankha Marza is an internationally renowned executive coach and strategist specializing in communication, public speaking and leadership presence. Marza has coached Presidents and Vice Presidents of countries and corporations (including several in transportation and logistics), Royalty and Government Officials, Navy SEALs, Fortune 500 Executives, global sales groups, award winning nonprofits, founders, CEOs and their teams in the US and worldwide. She works with the Young Presidents Organization (YPO), the most prestigious organization of chief executives in the world, with a combined revenue of 9 Trillion USD in member run companies. Her client base spans 6 continents and over 60 countries. She is currently based in the San Francisco Bay area.