#SteeringTowardDiversity, in 2019!
The fifth annual “I HEART Trucking” photo contest was centered around the Women In Trucking (WIT) social media hashtag #SteeringTowardDiversity. With the driver shortage at an all-time high, the industry is being called to diversify the talent pool and reach across gender, ethnic, and age demographics. Therefore, #SteeringTowardDiversity is a message that trucking is for everyone and encourages companies to advance and celebrate diversity efforts within their workforce.
Over 120 participants submitted their photos at the end of June, followed by online voting to determine the People's Choice Winners and a panel of judges determined their favorites for the Judges' Choice Winners.
The People's Choice winner is "#SteeringTowardDiversity - The truck doesn’t know who is holding the steering wheel!" submitted by Susie DeRidder. Her photo received over 500 votes! “It was very important for me to participate in this year's photo contest to inspire women to get behind the wheel," said DeRidder. "#SteeringTowardDiversity is such an important message for the industry and I’m proud to have won the People’s Choice Award!”
The Judges' Choice winner is "Steering Toward Diversity At PACCAR Parts" submitted by Tonyah Dillahunt.
“PACCAR Parts’ has worked dilligently to be a world-class example of diversity and inclusion. For us it means leveraging the experience, skills and perspectives of all of our global employees, to make PACCAR Parts successful and drive uptime for customers worldwide,” said David Danforth, PACCAR Parts general manager and PACCAR vice president. “Participating in the 2019 “I HEART Trucking” photo contest allowed us to demonstrate our mission to increase diversity and inclusivity at PACCAR Parts each and every day,” said Blanka Kopacz, PACCAR Parts director of product marketing.
Blanka is also the PACCAR Parts global diversity and inclusion chair.
The winners were recognized at an "I HEART Trucking" reception at the WIT Accelerate! Conference Sept. 30-Oct. 2, 2019 in Dallas, Texas. They received a plaque, and will be featured in the Women In Trucking Association's Redefining the Road magazine.
"Becky and the boys" submitted by Becky Bornt
"Trinity Logistics, a Burris Logistics Company, is a third party broker under the umbrella of Burris Logistics. This photo was taken at our annual Touch A Truck event, which introduces and teaches kids about all the different kinds of trucks and the jobs that come with them.
Featured in this photo is a Burris Logistics truck driver and members of Trinity Logistics's Carrier Development team." submitted by Christine Griffith.
#SteeringTowardDiversity - The truck doesn’t know who is holding the steering wheel!" submitted by Susie DeRidder (526 Votes)
"Her future at Dot is so bright, she needs shades!" submitted by Becky Lawson (248 Votes)
"After 21 years in the office, it was time to get my CDL and hit the road. #SteeringTowardDiversity" submitted by Alison Cardwell (172 Votes)
Check out all of the photo contest entries by clicking into the photos below! Thanks to all who participated.
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