
Top Companies for Women to Work in Transportation

Is your company a great place for women to work? Be recognized for your efforts to attract and retain a more gender diverse workforce.


Top Companies for Women to Work in Transportation

Every year, we highlight the top companies that are exceptional workplaces for women in all roles of the transportation industry. They are supportive of gender diversity, accommodate family and life balance, offer competitive compensation, benefits, continued training, and more. Winning companies will be recognized at WIT's Accelerate! Conference & Expo during a special awards program and will be featured in the cover story of Edition 3 of Redefining the Road magazine.

Please note: The top 30 companies that generate the highest number of votes are known as “The Elite 30". These companies will be recognized on stage at the annual Accelerate! Conference & Expo during a special recognition program.

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Your organization must generate a minimum of U.S. $5 million in gross global sales, have a minimum of 100 employees.

Your organization must be a corporate member of the Women In Trucking Association – join here.

If your parent company is a member but you’re a stand-alone operating unit and want to nominate your company separately from your parent organization, you must initiate your own WIT corporate membership in order to submit a nomination.

Nominator of the organization must be an authorized representative.

Pay a U.S. $595 Nomination Fee, which covers processing of the nomination and, if accepted to the list, a customized glass plaque, the licensing rights to use the logo, and WIT's Press Kit.


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Not a corporate member of the Women In Trucking Association? Support our mission to encourage the employment of women in the industry, promote their accomplishments, and minimize the obstacles they face. Learn More


STEP 1: 

Explain in 75 words or less what makes your company worthy of being recognized as a great place for women to work and identify attributes that make your company appealing to women.

STEP 2: 

The voting portion of this nomination carries a lot of weight on whether your company is chosen as a winner. Be sure to communicate this process and share the voting link to ensure your workforce, business partners, and other key stakeholders votes. The top 30 companies that generate the highest number of votes will be acknowledged as “The Elite 30." (In 2024, more than 31,000 votes were cast!)

STEP 3: 

Winning companies will be recognized at WIT's Accelerate! Conference & Expo during a special awards program (where your appointed company representative will accept your award). Your company also will be featured in the cover story of the Redefining the Road magazine (Edition 3) and in a separate press release distributed to industry media at the end of October.


RDR Magazine Mockup


Interested in placing an advertisement alongside the 2025 Top Companies Announcement in Edition 3 of Redefining the Road magazine? Advertising closes Sept. 12. Learn More

How to Develop an Effective Nomination

WIT receives hundreds of nominations each year, so this is a competitive recognition program and it’s critical that you provide substantiative evidence and examples to demonstrate the worthiness of your organization for this award. To assist you in developing the most effective nomination, the editorial staff at Redefining the Road magazine provides helpful, practical tips to maximize the chance that your nominated company will be accepted. There are two key components to the nomination process, so make sure you put in the work and strategic thinking to craft a powerful nomination.

Rationale for Nomination (no more than 75 words)

Provide a detailed rationale for your Top Company for Women to Work in Transportation nomination – and make sure to include as many details as possible to describe what makes this organization worthy of being recognized as a great place for women to work.


Example 1

Approximately 22% of our company’s team members in North America are women. To embrace its culture of belonging, the company has a variety of Employee Resource Groups (ERG), such as Women’s Success Network and Women in Operations, which fosters a sense of community for its female colleagues. With a wide range of benefits such as maternity leave and emergency childcare benefits, the company nurtures the well-being of all employees.


Example 2

Women make up more than 13% of our company’s drivers and 40% of leadership roles. This year, the organization also saw an increase in the number of women diesel technicians. We are dedicated to fostering a supportive environment and providing career advancement opportunities for women. Internal programs, like our Women’s Network BRG, and our external efforts, like participation in Women In Trucking, demonstrate our commitment to ensuring women’s success in this industry.

Additional features that exist within your organization that make it a good place for women to work

Highlight a minimum of two features involving your nominated organization that foster gender diversity, such as corporate culture, flexible hours and work requirements to accommodate family/life/work balance, competitive compensation and benefits, training and continued professional development, career advancement opportunities, and any unique programs that support women in your workforce.


Example 1

Approximately 40% of our employees in critical supervisory roles are women – thus, ensuring our corporate culture is reflective of gender diversity. This is an increase of 25% in the last five years due to very intentional, strategic initiatives that inspire and encourage women to take on a meaningful role in our company.

Our organization also offers volunteer-based Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) which are critical in helping to drive a culture of diversity, inclusion and engagement, while fostering innovation and growth. One of these, the Women's Inclusion Network, aims to strengthen our culture and promote a work environment that attracts, retains, and develops women and creates a more inclusive organization. This ERG currently has 150 women participating, surpassing our goal for this last year by more than 10%. In addition, the mission of the Women of Color (WoC) Employee Resource Group is to assist the company in identifying strategies to increase representation, providing meaningful career development opportunities, and elevating Women of Color worldwide. This ERG currently has 85 women participating, surpassing our goal for this last year by approximately 15%.


Example 2

  • Over the past 10 years, our company has increased the percentage of women in our workforce by approximately 8%. In turn, through this strengthening of gender diversity during this time period we’ve added three women to C-suite management roles, and promoted another 27% of women to supervisory roles in our various divisions. This progress demonstrates our company’s commitment to our specific goals to recruit and retain more women in critical roles within our organizational infrastructure – which ultimately brings more diverse thought, management and experience to leadership roles.

  • Our company has 21 Employee Business Resource Groups between the United States, Canada and Mexico. The EBRG mission statement: we are ambassadors for inclusion and diversity, pioneers of equity and bridge builders between cultures. We stand for a culture of appreciation and respect from which each individual employee benefits and thus our entire company.

  • Our company's commitment to gender diversity extends to a special focus on women supporting women. Through our Employee Women's Resource (EWR) group, we provide a dedicated platform for mentoring and fostering professional development, empowering women to thrive and excel in their careers.

  • The company proudly boasts nearly a quarter of its executive leadership comprised of women. In comparison, our two-decade journey has seen a remarkable increase in the representation of women in executive roles, reflecting our unwavering commitment to gender diversity and progress.


 REMINDER: As part of the nomination process, there is a U.S. $595 Nomination Fee, which covers processing of the nomination and, if accepted to the list, a customized glass plaque, logo usage rights, and access to WIT's Press Kit. You will receive an invoice upon accepting your nomination.


Contact Carleen Herndon at 615-696-1870 or email.

2024 Top Companies for Women to Work in Transportation