Did you know?
Since you started this:
- 0 seconds have passed.
- 0 miles have been driven
- 0 Deliveries were made
- More than 1 million trucks are running on the road to bring goods. The most commonly transported goods are food, clothing and furniture.
- The average truck driver travels 150,000 miles a year, enough to go around the entire Earth six times!
- More than 3.5 million Americans call themselves truck drivers - making this one of the largest career paths in our country.
- Approximately 15.7 million trucks are currently in use in the United States. In fact, if you lined up all of those trucks end-to-end, they would reach the moon!
- There are more environmentally friendly trucks on the road at this moment than ever before. In fact, it would take 60 of today’s clean-diesel trucks to generate the exhaust emissions of one truck from 1988!
Want to know more? Talk to one of our team members.