WITney® Educational Trailer: Cross-Country Adventures in January 2025

by Women In Trucking Staff, on Jan 28, 2025 8:49:45 AM


The WITney® Educational Trailer focuses on raising awareness for the Women In Trucking (WIT) mission: Promoting the career opportunities women have in trucking, celebrating their accomplishments, removing obstacles female professional drivers face, and increasing membership for the organization.

WITney® (an homage to the association’s abbreviation) not only is a traveling billboard for the nonprofit but hosts an array of educational and interactive components.


  • Interactive kiosks on trucking 101, common myth busters, general Q&A, and a quiz on whether or not trucking would be a good career fit
  • A wall mural showcasing WIT’s accomplishments since its inception in 2007
  • Headset kiosks to hear inspirational HERstories on how females make it work with family, career, and overall lifestyle
  • A female trucker uniform display featuring workwear, steel-toed boots, safety vest, gloves, safety glasses, and a trucker bag
  • A state-of-the-art driver simulator that allows attendees to experience truck driving in difference scenarios, regions of the country, weather conditions, and more.

WITney® Travel Schedule (January & February 2025)

Jenny Fall, WIT’s Director of Driver Engagement, has been busy working on scheduling and managing the travel schedule for the WITney® Educational Trailer for January and February of this year.

Here's a quick summary of where WITney® has been in January and where’s she’s going in February:

January 2025:

February 2025:

  • California Highway Patrol Industry Day, Calexico, CA (Feb. 26)

*Event, locations and dates subject to change

WITney® Travel Recap in 2024


In 2024, the WITney® Educational Trailer made quite the journey across the country, attending events from Delaware to Oregon, Washington DC to Texas, and many stops in between. Overall, WITney® attended 40 events across 26 states, sharing the mission of WIT with nearly 8,000 people.   

Throughout the year WITney® was showcased at various events including truck shows, Trucks are For Girls girl scout events, industry events, career fairs and shared with employees of many of WIT’s corporate members. By bringing WITney® to an event attendees can sit behind the wheel of a realistic driving simulator, hear stories from female professionals in the industry and learn more about the mission of Women In Trucking (WIT): To encourage the employment of women in the trucking industry, minimize obstacles they face, and promote their accomplishments.   

The goal of having WITney® travel across the country is to not only share the mission of WIT but to encourage people who do not have experience with trucking to learn more about the industry as a whole.  Oftentimes it’s surprising to some attendees to really understand the opportunities in the industry, as well as the feel of sitting behind the wheel of a truck, even if it’s simply a simulator.  

WITney doesn’t get from point A to B without the support of WIT’s carrier partners. In 2024 many carriers provided a driver that hauled WITney and in some cases even offered their time to volunteer and assist with the events.  These drivers have been excellent examples of professionals in trucking.   

Those interested in booking the WITney® Educational Trailer for an event can complete the Request to Book WITney® form here.

Questions? Contact WIT’s Director of Driver Engagement, Jenny Fall, at 419-304-0375.

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Topics:Women In Trucking

About Women In Trucking

The Women In Trucking Association is a non-profit organization with the mission to encourage the employment of women in the trucking industry, promote their accomplishments, and minimize obstacles faced by women working in the industry.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in articles within the WIT Blog are those of the authors/submitters and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the Women In Trucking Association.


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